Title: Ecology, Energy, and Society in the Anthropocene- Numero 25

Authors: Dario Padovan, Mario Salomone, Aurelio Angelini, George Caffentzis, Giorgio Pirina, Francesco Saverio Caruso e Mario Pullano, Laura Centemeri e Viviana Asara, Fabio Corbisiero e Fabio M. Esposito, Claudia Della Valle e Mirco Costacurta, Fiammetta Fanizza, Antonella Golino, Lucia Groe, Stefano Oricchio, Viviana Asara, Federico Demaria, Esteve Corbera.

Year of Publication: 2020

Editor: Culture della Sostenibilità

Link: http://culturedellasostenibilita.it/culture-della-sostenibilita-n-25-2020/

Abstract: The conference was held on 26 and 27 September 2019 at the University of Salerno, having at the center of the discussion the many ways in which political, social and ecological relations have reorganized, and are still being reorganized within the period usually now defined as Anthropocene.
A concept critically taken on here: if on the one hand must be recognized the degree of uncertainty and the intense debate that it has generally generated in the scientific comparison, on the other one has to be highlighted the geographical, social and political homogeneity it refers to, eventually overshadowing the inequalities that, today, still characterize socio-ecological dynamics in colonial and neo-colonial relationships, as much as those of gender and between human nature and extra-human natures.
The Anthropocene marks a moving field, both from the point of view of the quality of socio-ecological relationships, and with regard of the epistemological and methodological aspects that guide research and knowledge activities. It is to this turbulence that the conference wanted to give relevance and, at the same time, theoretical and empirical depth, above all highlighting the links between politics, society, and ecology in all their most relevant areas.

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